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  WastedGate, Sep 03 2010

lol ive been playing on ftp w/o rakeback....until now that is. but then again im just now getting the time to really grind. lulzrushbtw

oh and yeah i missed out on dealing the WSOP this year (was too late once i decided to go) but ill be in chicago for the regional WSOP circuit championship in oct. ill be at a bunch of other circuit events as well and will DEFINITELY be at the main event next summer. and now garphs

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sooooo takin shots
  WastedGate, Apr 08 2010

(gamboooool) at some nl100 rush tonight and after all was said and done, i was down a buy in. not too bad after like 4k hands today (mix of nl50 and nl100) and running KK into AA TWICE during the shot. i prolly would be up for the day if not for a few hands i punted. there was two ultra fucking stupid hands. one where i put in a river raise with 2nd nut flush pretty stupidly against the nuts and another where i called a huge flop overbet with AQ and ran into AK. i dunno, they sound like coolers but they just fucking werent as far as im concerned. i think im gonna drop back down to nl25 for a while instead of playing nl50 semi short rolled.

aw it wont let me edit blog title...PFFFT

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poker dream/wsop
  WastedGate, Feb 15 2010

So I was enjoying this weird dream I had last night where I was getting laid with an old female roomate I had in Atlanta for a while. Strangely enough, it was all going down in a house in Tennessee that I used to share. I guess the problem was that she wasn't very hot so my brain jumped to a poker related dream. It was all well and good as I started winning pretty quickly. But then the weirdest shit kept happening. I was having trouble keeping my chips stacked up in front of me. It was like I was spending 80% of the time trying to keep track of my chips and how they were stacked. And then the chips started changing sizes. I musta had 6 different sizes and denominations in front of me and I was frantically trying to keep it all organized so nobody would be able to swipe any during confusion. Also, every time I looked away then looked back there would be another tower of chips and they'd be out of order too! Then some asshole to my right tried to help me stack my big money chips and I got pissed and left...then woke up. Crazy OCD dream.

Also, Im trying to get an audition to deal the WSOP this year and Im also working on trying to score a spot dealing the next few circuit events. We'll see.

Oh and the new Buckethead album is pretty cash.

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